Improving the quality of human life and preserving the planet

SwSS Green Projects

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The Journey of

Sw SS Green Projects (SGP)

Swiss Green Projects (SGP) is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in February 2019, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Established from discussions among South East Asian martial arts enthusiasts who shared a common vision, SGP focuses its efforts on sustainable development projects in South East Asia.

Its logo represents the Earth and the concepts of the Blue Economy, protected by a woman and supported by a man, local populations, actors in their future, the three pillars of Sustainable Development (Economic, Social and Ecological), with the help of Swiss Green Projects’ Swiss technologies.

SGP implements projects with the right partners to bring and install Swiss technological innovations in the service of the poorest local communities, using the various pillars of Sustainable Development as a tool and drawing inspiration from the concepts of the Blue Economy.

The two main projects, the pillars of our action, are:

  • The Water Kiosk Project (WKP)
  • The Waste Management Project (WMP)

These two projects are interlinked, as rivers, streams and groundwater are polluted and littered with waste, and landfill sites discharge ‘juice’ during the regular monsoon rains, polluting rivers, streams and groundwater.

1. Water Kiosk Project (WKP):

The installation of kiosks with machines for filtering unfit water to make it drinkable for poor populations.

Empowering vulnerable communities in South-East Asia and giving them access to drinking water, using Swiss water filtration machine technology.

The technology patented by our partner has been certified by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Unlike similar existing technologies, Swiss Green Projects (SGP) does not use groundwater or underground water, but water from existing polluted rivers. This has the major advantage of preserving the nature of the soil, the environment and the local ecosystem.

The main advantage of this approach is that it preserves the nature of the soil, the environment and the local ecosystem.

2. Waste Management Project (WMP):​

Recovering organic and inorganic waste using proven technological systems.

Facilitating the work of the precarious local population living on and near the landfill site.

To meet the major challenge of managing organic and inorganic waste in South-East Asia, particularly in Indonesia, due to :

  1. the growing development of tourism
  2. the lack of environmental education in indigenous communities
  3. the lack of logistical resources and knowledge of the importance of waste management for the environment.

The technology developed has been in production around the world for over thirty years. It has been adapted to the needs and skills available locally, but also with technological innovations developed and installed under patent.


Our Mission

THE MAIN OBJECTIVES Of SWISS GREEN PROJECT for a sustainable development

Distribute filtered drinking water

to disadvantaged populations.

OFFER “Pyrolysis technology”

to provide sustainable recycling solutions to plastics’’ and worn tires’ waste through the use of “pyrolysis technology” machines.

Local Jobs

for the proper operation and maintenance of filtration equipment.

Take children out of forced labor

carrying out ardous and dangerous work.

children a future

Educating and socializing children within the educational structures existing in their communities

Provide adequate

basic food education and access to safe drinking water.


Our world Needs you

to provide sustainable recycling solutions to plastics’’ and worn tires’ waste through the use of “pyrolysis technology” machines.

Objectives :

  • Creation of local jobs,
  • Training of local workers,
  • Equitable access to the world of work in Southeast Asian countries,
  • Sorting and recovery of waste,
  • Local development of energy production structures,
  • Local development of recycled plastic production structures,
  • Local development of heat-force structures,
  • Resale on raw materials markets, for the benefit of local populations,
  • Development of the local economic fabric.

Objectives :

  • Improvement of the living standards of local populations,
  • Providing adequate basic food education and access to clean water,
  • Distributing filtered drinking water to disadvantaged populations,
  • Removing children from forced, strenuous, and dangerous labor,
  • Schooling for children,
  • First aid care,
  • Aid for the elderly,
  • Aid for street children,
  • Food aid,
  • Distribution of clothing,
  • Creation of local cooperatives.

Objectives :

  • Environmental education,
  • Protection and preservation of water,
  • Waste collection and sorting programs with the creation of local jobs,
  • Promotion of traditional farming practices,
  • Encouraging the use of non-genetically modified seeds in open pollination,
  • Promoting “ORGANIC” crops (fruits, vegetables, indigenous rice, wild berries, coffee, etc.),
  • providing access to “ORGANIC” markets,
  • Creation of local jobs and training structures, seed banks, etc. Replanting of trees of local species.