- In February 2020
Donation by the World Economic Forum (weforum.org): 25 laptops to 6 secondary schools in the Bekasi Regency (Indonesia)
- In April 2019
SGP has just signed, a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) (https://uai.ac.id), one of the most respected universities in Indonesia also known for its social commitments and projects.
Prof.Dr.Ir.Asep Sefuddin, M.Sc., Rektor Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
SGP and UAI have agreed to developed a social joint ventures agreement regarding the implementation of a Swiss off-grid set of machines capable of filtering 4,000 liters of drinking water per day. This Swiss technology has been developed and patented at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (www.epfl.ch), and certified by the World Health Organization.
SGP and UAI have both agreed to conduct the first projects in Indonesia along the Citarum River which is the longest and most polluted river in the world.
To support the Indonesian Government to tackle this environmental disaster, SGP together with UAI have already discussed with the local authorities of the Regency of Bekasi (Bekasi_Regency), in the Province of West Java, to set up Swiss filtered drinking water machines that will be installed in the villages along the Citarum river to enable local communities to have potable water for their daily life.
Once the situation with the pandemic COVID-19 will be over, SGP and UAI will immediately start the projects in the Regency of Bekasi with the installation of the first Swiss filtered machine.
In addition, a program of education on the importance of recycling waste will be developed to create new local jobs, not only for the installation of Swiss filtered machines, but also regarding the protection of the environment by sensitizing the local population about the importance of the recycling waste challenges, and the positive impacts on their health and life’s spam